Our monthly meeting was held at The Tug Hill Hideaway. That afternoon we had our Pig Roast & Cash Raffle. We had a GREAT turn out and the event was a success! Special thank you to Kevin & Karen from the Tug Hill Hideaway for hosting the event again, Tim & Angela Fargo for the fantastic food, The Nelson Brother’s Band for their awesome music, everyone that purchased tickets and our club members that helped make this day a HUGE success! We appreciate ALL of you for your support of the club. September 14th meeting will be held at The Milk Plant at 10am followed by the club membership/landowner appreciation gathering from 12-4 at the Tug Hill Hideaway in the back banquet room. We will have burgers, dogs, mac & potato salads, chips and bottled water. Cash bar will be available. MUST RSVP to Wendy (609) 833-5716 by Aug 6th as we need an EXACT head count via text or call with name and number attending. Thank You! Nomination of Officers will be held during this meeting and elections will be held at the October meeting. The trails are looking good as club member John reported he took a few rides and besides a few branches on the trails everything looked good. Thank You John. PLEASE send your membership applications (please make checks payable to Highmarket Wheelers Club) directly to Michele Gammel so she can get them to you more efficiently at either or by mail to; Michele Gammel P.O. BOX 153 Averill Park, NY 12018
September 14th MEETING 10:00am at the Milk Plant Tavern
Breakfast menu available for purchase
Barrows Performance - Highmarket Inn & Sports - Dolhof Hardware - Joe Mow’s - Frenchi & Crew - Unlimited Collision - Taylor’s Trailers - Schoff Polaris - Lowville Sport & Farm - Kovach Repair - Turin Highland Lodge - Charlies Liquor - Tug Hill Rec Cabins
Sponsor information is located on our Facebook & Website
Raffle Winners from Pig Roast
50/50 - Angie Jenkins
Barrel of Booze - Matthew Gino
John Matuczak $800
John Parcuro $500
Justin Underwood $300
Sherry Metez $200
Christopher Carlton $150
Sue Bailey $100
Shane Martin $100
Ron Carey $100
Tim Hyde $100
Palmer Morgan $100
Highmarket Wheelers ATV Club is the only club in Lewis County that maintains its own Trail System This system only exists with the permission of land owners and certain open Town of West Turin & Turin and Lewis County roads. The land owners allow all ATV Riders to use parts of their land (our trail system). Our trail system connects to the Lewis County Trail Permit System and a series of ATV friendly open
Town roads throughout the County of Lewis (Tug Hill Area). We are fastest growing ATV Club on the Tug Hill Plateau. We are actively developing new trails for our club and the County Trail System. We maintain our existing trails and are helping the Lewis County Trail Permit System as well. Map of entire Trail System in Lewis County
The club is working with Lewis County Trail System to make the overall
ATV Trail system in Lewis County a better one. What this means to our
membership is that the club will still keep the current trails it
maintains and be able to expand. While working with the county to expand
all trails (Highmarket Wheelers & County Trails) in the county.
Once a month the club meets with other clubs, associations, Lewis County
Trail System coordinator and others at a round table meeting where ATV
issues/trails are talked about. This club is committed to making ATVING
better here in Lewis County and the surrounding area. We are located in
Constableville, N.Y. in the Town of West Turin.
Your membership fee covers insurance for Landowners, membership events Family Ride/Picnic. It also helps us
to continue our off-road trail maintenance and expansion. See Membership page for more information.
We are always looking for Donations to our trail maintenance fund. Donate here Thank you