Moving Forward in 2025!
In the beginning, Highmarket Wheelers was a group of local people that met at Highmarket Inn to have fun while riding their ATV’s. In 1998 they decided to make the group official, and so the Highmarket Wheelers ATV Club was Incorporated. Their goal was to ride safely, open roads
and trails for ATV recreational riding, and to help the community and local businesses thrive. Highmarket Wheelers is located in Lewis County, NY on the Tug Hill Plateau. The Club has trails in the towns of Turin and West Turin and has access to hundreds of trails and open roads.
Many ATV enthusiasts have been attracted to our area since the 2005 development of the Windmill Farm in the town of Martinsburg. Presently, the Highmarket Wheelers Club has over 500 members from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont and Connecticut. The club engages with the county, towns, businesses and private landowners in hopes of expanding the trail system. Highmarket Wheelers ATV Club was the only club that maintained and insured some of the private landowner off-road trails.
In the fall of 2024, due to the issues with attaining quality insurance to cover the Highmarket trails, we suggested that all landowners sign the Lewis County Access Agreement. Having trail access is a priority, and we would like to see the continued use of the trails. For that reason, the landowners were contacted asking to sign the Lewis County Access Agreement so that the trails will be insured through Lewis County. Lewis County is self-insured and does not face the same insurance shortfalls that are affecting clubs.
We would like to thank the small group of people in Highmarket, NY who dedicated their time, effort and hard work in the 90’s to develop, maintain and Incorporate the Highmarket Wheelers ATV Club. We value our members, landowners and sponsors, and we will continue to do so as we move ahead into 2025.
